International Mass Loading Service: loading type
- Total mass — the displacement is computed with respect
to the center of the total Earth's mass, including the mass of the
fluid (atmosphere or water).
- Solid mass — the displacement is computed with respect
to the center of the solid Earth's mass, excluding the mass of the
fluid (atmosphere or water).
- Degree 1 term only — incomplete loading displacement
that accounts only for the contribution of the degree-1 spherical
harmonics to loading displacement: the difference in displacements
with respect to the center of the solid Earth mass and the center
of the total Earth mass. This displacement is equivalent to the
displacement of the center of the solid Earth with respect to the
center of the total Earth with the opposite sign.
When this displacement is added to the displacement computed with
respect to the center of mass of the total Earth including the
mass of the atmosphere, the sum becomes the displacement with
respect to the center of mass of the solid Earth, excluding
the atmosphere.
It should be noted that the difference in displacements with respect to
different origins is not small.
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This page was prepared by Leonid Petrov
Last update: 2016.02.26_17:20:14